The week before last I was on holidays; just from work, we didn’t actually go anywhere. My plan was to finish painting a set of goblin figures. I enjoy painting Games Workshop figures. Primarily fantasy, but my son’s gotten me into Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40K (sci-fi). Even when off, I still didn’t get much accomplished.
Here are a couple of my finished figures…
I’m not a great painter, don’t spend enough time practicing. I think one of my challenges is my eyes. At 47 yrs my eyes aren’t great, I wear glasses and am in desperate need of new ones. These means I strain to do detail work. I often joke that I’ve come to this hobby late in life, but I will get better.
I’m really starting to get excited about different techniques and non-Games Workshop figures and tools, so watch this space as they say. I will finish my Mines of Moria goblins and I will get better.
Oh yea, I also plan to play more; which is the whole idea of painting the figures…:-) I’ll be sharing some photos and articles on the hobby in my Google Reader (see the sidebar).