14 February 2010

I Hate Moving

You sometimes forget how one phone call can change everything. In my case it was three phone calls and four emails.

Call 1: Landlord says that they are moving back to their house. We have to move in two months.
Email 1: Official notice in writing.
Email 2: Please call me, you may not need to move.
Call 2: They may not be moving back, can I give them 4 days to finalise what they are doing.
Email 3: You don’t have to move after all.
Email 4: We are going to be moving back in the end and you will need to move out.
Call 2: Same info (in case I hadn’t seen the email).

So now begins the job of packing, finding a new place to live and moving house. I hate moving. I’ve been here 18 months and I’m still not even unpacked yet (I’m sure it’s years before everything is actually unpacked).

I had even gotten some figure painting done in the past couple of weeks to. I guess that’s on hold for a while.

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